«Ibiza, The Reset Rebel» by Jo Youle lands on Ibizapodcasts

Ibiza - The Reset Rebel

«Ibiza, The Reset Rebel» by Jo Youle lands on Ibizapodcasts.com

Ibiza is notorious for attracting the ones  looking to forge a new path in life. Some might call them rebellious.
Carving out a new lifestyle and sharing it is what makes the community of the island come together.

Join journalist Jo Youle each week as she meets the island’s rogues, rebels, rascals  and rapscallions and those who really relish being on the white isle, enough to leave their mark

Jo Youle is a creative audio specialist and makes podcasts for a wide variety of clients across the board from wellness brands to music events from her home in Ibiza. As a freelance journalist and radio presenter for the past 20 years, Jo has hosted everything from news programmes & current affairs shows to her own dance music show on Saturday nights on Juice 107.2 and the 6 Mix for BBC 6 Music where she reported from live music events and awards ceremonies around the world working as a music journalist in London.

She has travelled the world pursuing her LOVE of audio production working for The Smirnoff Experience series in New York, Paris, London and Shanghai and The St Lucia Jazz festival, catching Amy Winehouse’ final festival gig. Jo also mentors other audio producers, runs podcast training courses for beginners and is about to organise her very first podcast master class retreat in ibiza and podcast festival.

She is a real podcast passionista and lives her life as an audiophile on the white isle, currently as a news reader for Google news making on demand news content for the United States through their smart speakers Alexa and also The London Evening Standard Newspapers audio team.

During her time at the BBC, Jo set up a radio station for the Brighton Festival team for two consecutive years in 2010 and 2011, the first 24/7 on air project in the city, in more than fifteen years to cover the event in depth for a whole month of broadcasting on 87.7fm as a Restricted Service License Project.


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